I adore this family. They have so much energy with equal amounts of love to give. The boys have the sweetest personality (and the best smile!) that make you miss them when you aren’t with them.

Time flies when you’re having fun, and it’s definitely the case with this family. This is my 3rd year photographing them, and I can’t believe how much the boys have grown. They are happy-go-lucky and its nice that Mom and Dad just go with the flow (sometimes not out of choice!). Luckily, for me the weren’t too adventurous until the end when they decided to dip (submerge) their heads in the water , or we may have had to cut the session short!
It was a hot Dallas morning and I made them walk quite a bit, but I am so glad that they were good sports about it all because we got some great background shots. Thank you S. Family for coming back to me year after year! Thankfully we didn’t have any splinter or balloon issues this year!
I’ve known these great kids for a while now, but hadn’t really had a long conversation with them until this day. Reason for this is that they are good friends with my children and so when we are all together, they are all off playing somewhere and don’t give me or their Mom much notice unless they want to eat or drink something from my pantry (and I know what to stock up on just for them!!). So after talking to them for quite a while that day, they realized that my accent is different to theirs, and now much to their Mom’s amusement, they are trying to imitate me. Can someone say Pepa Pig?!
I hope that they continue to be good friends with my kids because they are exactly the type of people you want your children around.
It was cold, so very cold. I was bundled up with scarves and gloves but, not this Senior. She was wore 3 different outfits, 2 indian inspired (with gorgeous jewelry) and a casual for her session. She braved the elements, and in between the cold wind and the occasional shiver, she was able to make it appear that it was a warm sunny afternoon.
She will be moving on next year, going away to college (with her Mom is hoping not too far!). With her charming personality, her Mom’s good looks and style, and her Dad’s bank account (!) she is bound to have an amazing time at college.
Good luck for your next adventure!
How lucky is this little boy? Not only does he have the type of parents that are relaxed and laughing all the time, but he has 2 Aunts and a Grandmother that dote on him. And in a few months he will have a younger sibling to share all this love with.
Perfect weather, perfect smiles, perfect choice in clothes, just my kind of morning.